Yesterday, Governor Wolf issued an order
for closure of all businesses that are not life sustaining. Enforcement actions
will be taken against non-life sustaining businesses that are out of compliance
effective March 21, 2020 at 12:01 a.m.
The list
of life-sustaining businesses indicates highway, street and bridge construction
may not continue physical operations. Traffic signal construction under Green
Light-Go projects falls under this category. Therefore, all Green Light-Go
construction projects must cease physical operations.
For projects still in the design phase, design work may
continue if it can be done virtually or via telework (e.g. work from home).
PennDOT staff is working remotely and will be able to continue plan reviews
electronically. Normal contact phone numbers should work for all PennDOT staff
during this time.
We understand this will impact project completion timelines,
especially for those projects for which grant agreements require completion by
May 15, 2020. We don’t have an official answer yet, but we anticipate we will
be able to extend all deadlines due to the emergency declarations.
In the meantime, if you have received invoices for work
completed to date and have not requested reimbursement, please do so. We are
able to process reimbursements while teleworking. If we can capture as much
cost now as possible, it will help with the impacts of deadline extensions.
Reimbursement information is available on the Green Light-Go page of the
PennDOT Traffic Signal Portal:
Please contact us if you have any questions:
- Steve Gault:
- Bill Gross: 717-783-1901