Friday, October 15, 2021

Green Light-Go Year 7 Application Period

PennDOT will be accepting applications for the Green Light-Go Funding Program (Year 7) from October 18, 2021 through January 14, 2022. It is estimated there will be approximately $40 million available in State Fiscal Year 2022-23 for the competitive application and reimbursement grant program for existing traffic signal improvements. Projects awarded in this round must be completed by spring 2025.

Applications must be submitted electronically through the DCED Single Application for Assistance at

New this year:
  • The application process has been changed to use the DCED Single Application for Assistance system. There are several tabs of standard questions which apply to all grants, and the Green Light-Go specific questions are on the Addenda tab. Please refer to the GLG Program Guidelines for instructions on how to complete each page of the application.
  • Within the electronic application, each applicant will be asked to confirm their eligibility, and the individual submitting will be asked to acknowledge and confirm their electronic signature on the application compiles with legal requirements applicable to the applicant's organization.
  • Within the electronic application, identify the authorized official(s) who will have authority to sign the grant reimbursement agreement if the project is selected for funding. The Authorized Official(s) must have legal authority to contractually bind the applicant.
  • New application questions: Identify if the project is on the Regional Operations Plan, and identify the project complexity.

Applicants are required to work with their PennDOT District Traffic Signal Unit representatives to define project scopes in a manner consistent with the program goals and requirements. A Project Scoping Form has been developed to assist in this process, and the PennDOT contacts are identified in Appendix III of the Program Guidelines.

Applicants are also reminded that inventory information for the existing equipment to be replaced must be entered in PennDOT's Traffic Signal Asset Management System (TSAMS). Please refer to the Program Guidelines and the Green Light-Go TSAMS Requirements document for more information.

Please visit the PennDOT Traffic Signal Portal's Green Light-Go page for more information.

Contact us via email at with questions.