Wednesday, February 28, 2024

TSAMS Update 2-27-24

PennDOT’s Traffic Signal Asset Management System (TSAMS) has been updated on February 27, 2024 with the following features and a new Pedestrian/Bicycle module:

New features/enhancements

  • Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) are now referred to as Changeable Message Signs (CMS) in TSAMS to match with the FHWA’s terminology.
  • Left navigation is implemented for ITS/Operations module which allows users to easily navigate different tabs.
  • Some unnecessary fields were removed and other fields were renamed within the ITS/Operations module for simplicity.
  • TSAMS now remembers user’s last action of a location map setting (map minimized or expended). Future page loads throughout the application will retain this user preference.  
  • In ITS/Operations module, a new component can be created without losing changes made on the previous screen. The user can then come back to the first screen and save the work.

New Module – Pedestrian/Bicycle

  • Pedestrian and bicycle facility records can now be created and maintained in TSAMS. These components can be grouped by intersection, midblock location, or can be linear facilities (such as bike lanes). 
  • This module allows TSAMS to serve as a centralized repository for ADA, bicycle, and pedestrian curb ramp designs, encompassing documents, forms, etc.
  • The Location and Facility tabs are functional as part of this initial implementation. Functionality will be added to the Map tab in an upcoming update to TSAMS.
  • The stored data can be utilized as a tool for planning and budgeting for Ped/Bike related projects.

As always, please share your feedback with us at We are especially interested in feedback on the new Pedestrian/Bicycle, and we are planning to add more tabs and features this year. Most of the feature enhancements are directly from user feedback.