Monday, April 18, 2022

TSAMS Update 4/18/22

PennDOT's Traffic Signal Asset Management System (TSAMS) has been updated on April 18, 2022 with the following features:

  • Multiple documents can now be uploaded at the same time with drag-and-drop functionality. After uploading the documents, please use the “Edit” button for each line to pick the category, add a description, and edit the document date as appropriate.
  • Signal IDs were shortened to only include the last 6 digits (without leading zeros) to improve legibility and reduce clutter.
  • The Location Map panel is expanded by default whenever performing a search.
  • Various grids will remember the user-selected number of records to display while the current session is active.
  • Clicking on a “deep link,” such as the edit screen for a specific signal, will now redirect to the login page if not already logged in, and then go to the selected page after successful login.
  • The ECMS #, Engineering Agreement #, and EPS # can be edited in projects.
  • Latitude and longitude information can be entered or updated for signal housings and signs.
  • Transformational technology components are displayed for associated non-signals and ITS devices
  • Additional information added to projects screen when “ROP Listed” is selected as a project status, including the ROP version, the ROP project ID, and estimated costs.
  • Several back-end bugs were fixed.

As always, please feel free to contact us at with feedback on these changes and/or requests for future enhancements.