Tuesday, May 31, 2022

2022 ARLE Funding Program Application Period

PennDOT will be accepting applications for the 2022 Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Funding Program from June 1st through June 30th. The 2022 program will continue to prioritize safety enhancements considering both PennDOT's Safety Network Screening methods for the project location and Crash Modification Factors associated with proposed improvements.

Pa Bulletin Announcement:  http://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pabull?file=/secure/pabulletin/data/vol52/52-22/798.html

Applications must be submitted electronically through the DCED Single Application for Assistance at https://www.esa.dced.state.pa.us/Login.aspx

ARLE Funding Program information:http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Portal%20Information/Traffic%20Signal%20Portal/FUNDARLE.html

The following changes from 2021 will continue to apply this year:
  • Applications submitted during this period may also be considered to award funds from the Automated Speed Enforcement pilot program established under 75 Pa.C.S. §3370 on U.S. Route 1 (Roosevelt Boulevard) between Ninth Street and the Philadelphia County line shared with Bucks County. The application asks whether the project is in proximity to an existing Automated Speed Enforcement location, which is anticipated to be used for selection of projects to fund from the revenue generated by Automated Speed Enforcement cameras.
  • Within the electronic application, each applicant will be asked to confirm their eligibility, and the individual submitted will be asked to acknowledge and confirm their electronic signature on the application complies with legal requirements applicable to the applicant's organization.
  • Projects involving existing traffic signals should identify the specific traffic signals using the ID number from PennDOT's Traffic Signal Asset Management System as indicated in the Program Guidelines.
  • Within the electronic application, identify the authorized official(s) who will have authority to sign the grant reimbursement agreement if the project is selected for funding. The Authorized Official(s) must have legal authority to contractually bind the applicant.
Contact us via email at ARLE@pa.gov with questions.