Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Strike-Off Letter 494-22-07: Publication 46, Chapter 12 - Traffic Analysis Software

Strike-Off Letter 494-22-07 was issued on October 25, 2022, updating Chapter 12 of Publication 46 pertaining to traffic analysis software. Following is a summary of changes:

  • References to the Traffic Resources, Education, and Computing Support (TRECS) Group were removed since the group is no longer active.
  • The software table was been labeled as Exhibit 12-1 and columns were added to identify the facility types from the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for which each analysis tool is applicable.
  • References to the HCM were updated from the 2010 edition to the 7th Edition (2022).
  • The Highway Design and Technology Division has reviewed various analysis tools/software for roundabouts. The approved tools for completing HCM-based analysis of roundabouts are indicated in Exhibit 12-1.
  • SignCAD was removed since it is used for design, not for analysis.
For additional information, please refer to the Strike-Off Letter.