Tuesday, July 28, 2020

For review: New Publication 191 - Traffic Signal Maintenance Manual

Comments will be accepted through August 6, 2020. Please see instructions below.

PennDOT Publication 191 is being reorganized and revised to include the following updates: 
  1. Renamed the Publication to "Traffic Signal Maintenance Manual". 
  2. Updated all contents to be consistent with the latest PennDOT practices and pubs. 
  3. Reorganized to improve conciseness (8 vs. 12 chapters). 
  4. Added a new Chapter 2: Traffic Signal Agreements and Contracts, to clarify updated items. 
  5. Replaced Chapter 3: Traffic Signal Maintenance Classifications, with a new Chapter 4. 
  6. Created Chapters 5 and 6 to emphasize maintenance expectations for preventative/response maintenance. Maintenance checklists are incorporated into Chapters 5 and 6. 
  7. Forms TE-971, TE-972, and TE-973 have been eliminated. 
  8. Added a new Chapter 7: Asset Management, which provides guidance on the Traffic Signal Asset Management System (TSAMS) Application. 
Please note that only comments provided using MS Excel file titled "CT T-20-001 Publication 191 Comment Form" will be accepted. Please download the spreadsheet, populate it with your comments, save it with a new filename, and return to RA-PDBOMO-CT@pa.gov.

Click here to open the proposed draft of Publication 191.