Monday, March 8, 2021

Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreements

On December 28, 2020, the PennDOT renamed and re-issued Publication 191: Traffic SignalMaintenance Manual (12-20). Section 2.1 of Publication 191 contains new policy related to Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreements (TSMA), which requires a TSMA to be in place prior to issuance of a new or revised traffic signal permit. The standard TSMA applies to all traffic signals owned by the permittee in perpetuity. Only one TSMA is required for a permittee, regardless of the number of traffic signals owned. 

The TSMA is a standard agreement using approved language from PennDOT’s Office of Chief Counsel (OCC); therefore, the language should not be altered. The official template agreement is available from PennDOT OCC’s SharePoint site. In order to ensure all agreements are completed and submitted using the proper form, new agreements should always be prepared using the template on PennDOT OCC’s SharePoint site. 

Since PennDOT expects a large number of agreements as permittees apply for new signals or the first revision to a signal in their jurisdiction following the issuance of the 2020 Edition of Publication 191, PennDOT is providing standard templates via the Traffic Signal Portal. These templates will remain available while a large number of agreements are being processed. Please use the link below to access instructions for completing the Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement. Links to the agreement template are contained within the instructions.